
Have you changed the way you think about China after visiting? @TREND BLOG.


Beihai Park, Beijing, changed the way you, about China after visiting, China for the first time, China just felt so vibrant and full of energy,

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Have you changed the way you think about China after visiting?


Oh for sure. My opinions on China took a 180 degree turn. The real China that I saw with my own eyes was so different from what the media had been portraying for years.

I visited Beijing, China for the first time in March 2011. From then on I visited about once every 2 to 3 years. It was just a 2-hour flight from South Korea where I used to live. I really have wonderful memories of my visits and I feel nostalgic about them sometimes.

Have you changed the way you think about China after visiting? @TREND BLOG.

Beihai Park, Beijing in 2016 (above)

China just felt so vibrant and full of energy. I did see a lot of similarities with Korea, except it was more interesting and authentic. It is a whole world in itself with its long history and rich unique culture.

What really struck me was the sheer scale of their infrastructure: glitzy skyscrapers, airports, malls. I especially like their malls because they have great restaurants and shops. Any and every kind of brand, product, food, and entertainment that you can ever want is made available to you. The food options are overwhelming sometimes. Every time I go to a restaurant in China, I feel like I am attending a banquet, at least the proper ones where I went for a night out.

Have you changed the way you think about China after visiting? @TREND BLOG.

Guomao business district, Beijing (above)

But the hospitality, warmth, and genuineness of the Chinese people are what really impressed me the most. There was no pretense or fakeness in my interactions with them, as is often the case in the west. Their emotions are more authentic and human.

Before I came to China, I had the impression that China was an oppressive communist regime similar to North Korea. Boy was I wrong. I never felt so free in my life. You are generally free to do what you want as long as you don’t stir controversy by touching on a few sensitive topics. I never had to worry about the police, Karens, racists, and criminals as I had to while I was in the states. For example, I can jaywalk freely without getting stopped by the police.

Overall, I have developed a very positive yet balanced opinion of China after many visits (and many years of living there). I am well aware that it has its issues like any other country. But on balance, a wonderful country where the positives outweigh the negatives.

Thanks for reading the article.
     Thanks to:------
     Mowdud Ahmed Modhu
     @Mr Modhu (TREND BLOG)


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TREND BLOG: Have you changed the way you think about China after visiting? @TREND BLOG.
Have you changed the way you think about China after visiting? @TREND BLOG.
Beihai Park, Beijing, changed the way you, about China after visiting, China for the first time, China just felt so vibrant and full of energy,
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